Time Line of Past Events

The Earth Society Foundation was established by John McConnell and Margaret Mead
to foster worldwide participation in the peaceful care of Earth, and to promote the annual celebration of Earth Day on the March Equinox (March 20-21).

Past Celebrations of Earth Day on the Equinox
March 21, 1970

Scroll Down to se all the past events of these Global Celebrations below

1st John McConnell has a Message
March 21, 1970

John McConnell has a message for all of us Earthlings.

Earth Day with U Thant 1971
March 21, 1971

1st EarthDay UN Uthant Speaks at UN with McConnell in 1971

Earth Day Proclamation by John McConnell
June 21, 1970

John McConnell wrote and created the Earthday Proclamation signed by over 30 Global dignitaries back in 1970.

Archived EarthSite Earthday pages
March 20, 1997

The Original Earthsite.org Pages from Equinox Earthdays Past
starting at 1997 thru 2017 ....more to come later

The Peace Bell Warrior Story
March 1, 2023

The Peace Bell Warrior Story: How Chiyoji Nakagawa Became a Soldier for Peace and Changed the World

Archive of Past Events

The Earth Society Foundation was established by John McConnell and Margaret Mead
to foster worldwide participation in the peaceful care of Earth, and to promote the annual celebration of Earth Day on the March Equinox (March 2025).

Events on Various Earth Day Peace Bell Ringing
March 20, 1993

1993.3.20 - Mary Carlin of the Earth Society Foundation
honors Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Rigoberto Manchu from Guatemala

March 20, 2023

Earth Society Foundation Members celebrating the annual observation of Earth Day on the Equinox across from UN Headquarters in NYC on March 20, 2023. Guitar player is Frank Craven.
Music by: John Lennon & Yoko Ono Song: Imagine
Click to see Music Video

March 20, 2023

2023 Earth Day on the Equinox #PeaceBellRinging, Black Bess, home of Former UN- ESF President, Helen Garland.
and much more
Click to see Story

March 20, 2023

2023 Earth Day on the Equinox #PeaceBellRinging, A Return to the United Nations for the Celebration of Earth Day with the Royal Swedish Family
Click to see Story

March 20, 1979

Earth Day 1979 Children from United Nations International School ring the Peace Bell to commemorate International Year of the Child  (UN Photo)

March 20, 2005

Aye Aye Thant (Daughter of the former UN Secretary General U Thant) speaking at the Earth Day 2005 gathering at the UN

March 20, 1997 thru 2018 & 2024

All the Live Events from Vienna, Austria

with the Help of Franz Nahrada
Podcast: The Global Village Austria 

Click Here or the Photo to a List of all those events on the Equinox

March 20, 2007

Dr. Pete Myers, with
Alexandra Cousteau (granddaughter of Jacques Cousteau),
and Climate Documentary Filmmaker, Slater Jewell-Kemker.

March 20, 2009

Pete Seeger and Children at Earth Day on the Equinox Peace Bell Ringing. United Nations, NYC

March 20, 2010

Earth Day 2010

March 20, 2010

Former ESF President, Helen Garland,
The Peace Bell was in the Rose Garden while the new Zen Garden was being prepared.
Tarumi Violinists performed

March 20, 2010

Children (Tarumi Violinists) ringing the Peace Bell. United Nations, NYC.


Jimmy & Laurel Tarantino. Mt. Pemigewasset, New Hampshire.

June 21, 1995

John and Anna McConnell

June 1995

John  McConnell founder of Earth Day

March 20, 2000

Earth Day on the Equinox Peace Bell Ringing – Bonshō Bell and Pagoda,
Swan Pond, East Berlin, Germany. Photo Credit: Berlin.de

For more on the East Berlin celebration, please visit >>>Berlin 2000

March 20, 2021

BerlinPeaceBellStudents4 Photo Credit: Mr. Berlin.de

March 20, 2018

Bonshō Bell (Temple Bell) in Pagoda, East Berlin, Germany. Photo Credit: Mr. Alex Walker

March 20, 2016


March 20, 2018

BerlinPeaceBellStudents4 Photo Credit: Mr. Berlin.de

For more on the East Berlin celebration, please visit >>> Berlin 2000

March 20, 2015

Tarumi Violinists

March 20, 2015

Ambassador Ahmed Al Haddad
Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury and UNESCO Speakers.

March 20, 2007

Garland, Monica, Uthant

March 20, 2023

Royal Family of Sweden

Click for Video (No Sound)

June 8, 2004

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations Peace Bell >> Click for Large images

March 20, 1992

Earth Day on the Equinox Ceremony Program >> Click for Large images

March 20, 2022


March 20, 2015

Rick Ulfik, Founder of We the World, with Helen Garland and Monica Getz. 
Rick was one of the ESF Representatives at the UN.

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The Earth Society Foundation, Inc., incorporated in the State of New York, is the original and solely legitimate organization preserving the celebration of
Earth Day (March Equinox, March 20-21) with the ringing of the Peace Bell at UN Headquarters in New York City

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