Past Celebrations from Austria

Thanks to Franz Nahrada of the
"Welcome to the Global Village Podcast"

Scroll down the page to see the Letter &
List of events he has Posted here on Our Website 

Franz Nahrada
Letter to the Earth Society Foundation

Jan. 2, 2025

Subject: Program on John McConnell and some Earth Day Vienna remainders

Dear Mary,

glad to hear that now you are recreating Earth Society Foundation from the scratch. As interim president you have now an apt position.

Sad to hear of all these losses you suffered, some very tragic. We also had losses of friends who walked the path with us.

But in a way this is a good opportunity to get things right now !! And get new people on the boat !

I introduce to you my colleague Magdalena Pfeifer, who started the Bertha von Suttner Peace Academy. We intend to do Earth Day and Peace Day celebrations in 2025 together. look at her 2020 Symposium: (also with English Intro)

So Magdalena should also be supplied with a ground pass and if we can have more that will be very welcome....
Good to see that not only is up and running again, but also John McConnell's beloved

I am very happy you teamed up with the Henry George School: Stunned by Edward Dodsons introduction of John McConnell:

I cant help but all this sounds like a new beginning !
 Earth Day is more needed than ever !

see here the radio show on Earth Day and John McConnell I put together last March when a celebration was still impossible to organize for me:
 (The audio is in an iFrame on that page)

It was the 50th edition of my podcast / program "Welcome to the Global Village".
So you see I am faithful to the idea!
So I am offering you to take all the material that you find that I put online here:

First from our general page:
Please pay special attention to the Arnold Kayserling Video, it is a treasure....
It also explains, amongst others, the significance of the:  September Equinox
So in chronological order there are now many pages displaying the history in Vienna

List of Events: (1997 and 1998)
from here in German: (the NGO Internet Fiesta and peace bell before 3AM) (Uniting Children from the enemy states from former Yugoslawia guarded by Christian priest August Paterno and Tibetan Lama Gangchen - with Peace Bell sounds!!

(EarthDay 2001 - 2004 still have to be recovered, they were important celebrations! - and tragic ones like 2003) (with Marc Vidricaire, Director of Public Information - IAEA ) The first time it was impossible for us to enter UN premises at night (really on a shoestring, with Peter haider UPF supporting)

NOTE** Below All of the Links Below need to be:
(Copied & Pasted for Now as we complete and edit this Page)

** (with subpage visitor list) ((with little film by Ernst Gruber) and with interesting Link: one of the last Interviews of Hans Janitschek!) (Like 2007 we could not meet at the UN, but exchanged a lot of thoughts) Early morning bell ringing with small but very special group (Yuko Guld, Andreas Schelakowsky,...) (Connecting Eath day with International Happiness Day)
maybe you can point at this speech when talking to the Bhutanese: Afternoon event with good turnout!) Vienna celebration could not happen because of early morning and weekend time.- we looked to New York ! (the first time I was absent and it did not happen) (the last time we had a big celebration --- and we were allowed to ring the Peace Bell while ASF in New York was blocked...

from 2018 things really declined here.... I had to empty the hotel and was in deep stress, we did a private gathering with Ita Maranitsch, and subsequently without the base in Hotel Karolinenhof and my move to Bad Radkersburg it was not doable any more

so now, after a seven years break, maybe there will be a new beginning...

all the best


Mag. Franz Nahrada
GIVE Labor für Globale Dörfer
Gerasdorferstraße 55
1210 Wien
Residenz Domenico Dell Allio
Bindergasse 1
8490 Bad Radkersburg

More about Franz & Magdalena
Link to the Global Village Podcast by Franz

"Welcome to the Global Village Austria" refers to a community or initiative focused on global interconnectedness and sustainability, specifically based in Austria and led by Franz Nahrada, a prominent figure in the field of community building and networking within the country

Franz Nahrada:
A key individual associated with promoting the "Global Village" concept in Austria, often involved in research and activities related to sustainable communities and global knowledge sharing.
Global Village:
A metaphor describing the interconnected world where people from different cultures and societies are increasingly connected through technology and communication, fostering a sense of shared community.
Austria Focus:
This phrase indicates that the "Global Village" initiative is specifically geared towards Austria, potentially promoting local actions with a global perspective.

Workshop: Abbilder_Vorbilder, Zeichnen_Malen
mit Magdalena Pfeifer
Bild: Magdalena Pfeifer

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The Earth Society Foundation, Inc., incorporated in the State of New York, is the original and solely legitimate organization preserving the celebration of
Earth Day (March Equinox, March 20-21) with the ringing of the Peace Bell at UN Headquarters in New York City

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