The Earth Society Foundation was established by John McConnell and Margaret Mead to foster worldwide participation in the peaceful care of Earth, and to promote the annual celebration of Earth Day on the March Equinox (March 20-21) at the United Nations in New York City.
The Earth Society Foundation, Inc., incorporated in the State of New York, is the original and solely legitimate organization preserving the celebration of Earth Day (March Equinox, March 20-21) with the ringing of the Peace Bell at UN Headquarters in New York City.
The Earth Society Foundation, Inc. has organized this annual celebration for 55 years. The designation of Earth Trustee for supporters of Earth Day and those dedicated to peace, justice and care of Earth was originally developed by John McConnell, co-founder of the Earth Society Foundation in 1976.
Watch 1st Earthday Ringing of the Peacebell at the UN by U Thant 1971 >>>>
The Earth Society Foundation was formed for the following purposes:
The Earth Society Foundation, Inc., incorporated 501c3 Non-Profit in the State of New York,
is the original and solely legitimate organization preserving the celebration of
Earth Day (March Equinox, March 20-21) with the ringing of the Peace Bell at UN Headquarters in New York City
Continuing the Legacy of John McConnell and his Dream of A Minute for Peace.
To provide a coordinating body which will create programs, policies and services aiding individuals and institutions in their efforts to nurture, conserve, and care for the natural resources and life of Earth.
In furtherance of these goals and purposes, the Earth Society Foundation shall:
1) Encourage all people to become active participants in the preservation of the Earth’s natural resources.
2) Communicate information worldwide on the effort to revitalize, regenerate and recycle the Earth’s resources.
3) Conduct educational programs and promote research worldwide in the Earth Care Ethic.
4) Enhance programs addressing the threat of further destruction of the environment and demonstrating the alternate approaches available.
5) Coordinate and assist like-minded organizations to maximize effectiveness of the Earth Care Ethic.
6) Foster worldwide participation in the annual celebration of Earth Day on the March Equinox (March 20-21) and coordinate the Peace Bell Ceremony at the United Nations.
7) Cooperate and participate as an accredited non-governmental organization (NGO) affiliated with the United Nations.
Work with United Nations specialized agencies and the NGO community in furtherance of our mission.
8) Influence governments, industries, and individuals towards the development of products and services which will protect and improve the condition of the Earth.
9) Encourage the flying of the Earth Flag and participation in the Earth Trustee Program.
10) Solicit grants and contributions, administer and disburse gifts and grants of money for tax-exempt educational, scientific and charitable purposes.
The history of Earth Day and its founder, John McConnell, is available on
his Website: and in two books — John McConnell’s autobiography, by John Munday
Earth Day: Vision for Peace, Justice, and Earth Care: My Life and Thought at Age 96, (2011)
and Robert M. Weir, Peace, Justice, Care of Earth: The Vision of John McConnell, Founder of Earth Day, (2007)
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