When adding extras to Membership +
Earth Day Flag

Here is the FLAG you will receive with your Membership +
We currently Only have this size Flag
3'w X 5'W (1.5m X 0.9m)

*1 John McConnell's copyright Flag

When adding extras to Membership+
T-shirts / Short Sleeve (Large front Logo)

Here are your choices for the Tshirt you would like with your Membership +

*2  White Short Sleeve with Large Front Logo   

T-shirts Short Sleeve (Large front Logo)

Here are your choices for the Tshirt you would like with your Membership +

*3 Green Short Sleeve with Large Front Logo   

T-shirts Long Sleeve (Large front Logo)

Here are your choices for the Long Sleeve T-shirt you would like with your Membership +

*4 White long Sleeve with Large Front Logo   

© Copyright 2025 EarthSocietyFoundation.org / EarthSite.org - All Rights Reserved | Terms | Disclaimer | Privacy |
The Earth Society Foundation, Inc., incorporated in the State of New York, is the original and solely legitimate organization preserving the celebration of
Earth Day (March Equinox, March 20-21) with the ringing of the Peace Bell at UN Headquarters in New York City

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