Earth Society

Thank you for Helping and Joining us in,
Keeping the Peace Bell Ringing at the UN on the Equinox Annually

Thank you for your Support

How and What we will use your Generous Donations (we will have a complete List Here Soon)
and .. Please note: anything that you see so far from all of our efforts here are all Pro-bono

1. Funds are needed and used for, Dues and Licenses for the Non-Profit 501c3 we operate under in NY State
2. Operating the Domain Names & Hosting of the websites 
3. Internet, phones lines, and office essentials
4. Legal and Accounting fees
5. Travel and accommodations for Guest Speakers, camera crews, etc.
6. More to the .org grows....and gets back up and running

© Copyright 2025 / - All Rights Reserved | Terms | Disclaimer | Privacy |
The Earth Society Foundation, Inc., incorporated in the State of New York, is the original and solely legitimate organization preserving the celebration of
Earth Day (March Equinox, March 20-21) with the ringing of the Peace Bell at UN Headquarters in New York City

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